Wednesday, April 03, 2013


I blogged 4 times in the month of March.   A thousand apologies,  as I know you are all sitting riveted in your seats wondering what marvelous things are going on in my life.

Let me bring you up to speed.

It's really really really cold and I'm so sick of it.

By not blogging in March I spared you endless bitching about the unnatural coldness.  You're welcome.

In all serious, I haven't been blogging because I have had a serious case of writers block - which surprised even me since I don't write anything on here that takes much thought.   I generally don't proofread before I hit post (and when I say "generally don't proofread" I mean "I never once have proofread").  But when your life is full of mundane and it's really cold out and you are about to lose your ever loving mind if you don't get out of your 881 SF of hell... it becomes hard to think about anything else.

I did miss posting about my Little Man's 1st Easter while I was wallowing in my own despair.  Here we go!!

 Happy Easter Little Man!!

 And another one.  Please ignore me... it was early and I hadn't had any coffee or food or makeup or... anything.  But I need to be IN the picture more often and I'm trying to not let things like looking like I'm a zombie get to me.    Actually I didn't wear any makeup at all on Easter since we were running around like mad people trying to get to Church on time.   We failed in that endeavor and I still had to go sans makeup!

 Stolen egg!  The Easter Bunny only left eggs for Baby Girl to find, but my Little Guy was more than happy to steal them from his big sister.

 His Easter Basket!  Filled with mostly food,  some socks and sippies.   Oh, and a truck because what little boy doesn't want a blue police car?  I think it's a paddy wagon... what little Irish kid doesn't want a toy paddy wagon??  (answer: all of them) 

 Hello.  I think deep thoughts.  Also, how adorbs is my Easter sweater vest? 

Big Sister's 3rd Egg Hunt of the season.   Lucky.  Little Brother is more than happy to steal these too.

Family!  Even though I picked out and dressed the children, I guess I didn't get the memo to wear blue.   I also hate this picture, but again... trying to get IN the picture more often.   It would help if I had more makeup on!

I'm going to try to post more in April.  I still have massive writer's block, but I'm going to make an effort to push through it.

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