Friday, January 28, 2011


I have come to the conclusion that Charlie Sheen is a lunatic who exists solely to test the boundaries of cocaine consumption. The fact that he is still alive amazes me, but then again I'm also amazed that Lindsay Lohan is alive.


Toddlers and their repetitiveness are so much fun.

BG: What's Grover doing?
Me: He's riding a horse

BG: What's Grover doing?
Me: He's riding a horse

BG: What's Grover doing?
Me: He's riding a horse

BG: What's Grover doing?
Me: He's riding a horse

BG: What's Grover doing?
Me: Flying to the moon

When I go off script, Baby Girl gets infuriated. "MAMA!!!! GROVER DDDOOOOIIIIINNNNGGGGG!!! GROOOOOVER DOOOOOOOING!". This goes on until I beg forgiveness from her Royal and Supreme Highness and correctly answer the question. I'm surprised she hasn't thrown me in solitary confinement for daring to not play along with her 10 minute question and answer session for the same question.

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