Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's a small world after all

Watching the news lately makes me seriously think that the end of the world is coming.

First of all it's an election year and people are so nasty about trashing which ever candidate they oppose, that it makes me sick. Yes, I support Obama. No, I don't think McCain is the anti-christ. I'd rather NOT see him as the next President, but I don't think his supporters are idiots (well, I do think some of them are idiots, but that has little do with McCain as a person). Stop focusing on trashing the opposition and spend more time promoting the good your candidate can do. In short, stop being a Dbag.

Secondy - Hello, Russia. Stop. Georgia would have let you have South Ossetia. There's no need to take over the entire country. Yes, we all know Russia is a big powerful nation. However, you are not the USSR, so stop thinking that you can take back all those countries that asserted their independence. And FYI - if you try to have a monopoly on oil pipelines from Asia, someone is probably going to try to stop you. Georgia's pipeline is not the end of the world, nor is their desire to be part of NATO. So just stop.

Thirdly - no matter what the Chinese say, those girls are NOT 16. The IOC should be ashamed of themselves for letting people get away with cheating. What kind of world do we live in that it's okay to cheat and lie at the Olympics? Doesn't that go against what the Olympics stand for?


Andrew said...

this should be a new running segment on your blog. "Meghan's signs of the apocalypse". Of course that would have started and ended with "the gilmore girls comes off the air" if you started it a couple years ago...

Andrew said...

this should be a new running segment on your blog. "Meghan's signs of the apocalypse". Of course that would have started and ended with "the gilmore girls comes off the air" if you started it a couple years ago...

Unknown said...

It actually would have started in the beginning of Season 7. That season was so supremely awful, I feel gyped out of an entire year of GG. That was the beginning of the end, I'm sure.