Friday, June 27, 2008

Ol Skewl

On our way down the cape last night, DMB's crush came on to my favorite radio station ever (thank you, thank you, thank you to the person who decided to stop playing crap on 92.9 WBOS and start Radio 92.9: I might just sacrifice my first born child to you), and Andrew and I had a conversation about how much I just do not like Dave Matthews, with 2 exceptions. Other than those two, I can't stand listening to him. So Andrew asked which ones I did like, and the answer was Ants Marching and Satellite. Andrew happened to mention that he'd love to listen to Ants Marching, so I dug out The Oldest iPod Ever (seriously, I got my iPod in 2004. Black and white, tiny screen, no pictures.... you get the idea. It's the first generation iPod that had the scroll wheel) and queued it up. For the rest of the ride to the cape, I found the most random songs I could find and played them. It was kind of fun and brought back some memories! Among others, we listened to

Ants Marching, DMB
Satellite, DMB
Angel, Shaggy
Stan, Eminem
Rough Riders Anthem, DMX
Sailing Away, Styx
The General, Dispatch
Swallowed, Bush
Wild Rover, Dropkick Murphy's
Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Crash Test Dummies

Talk abour your random list. There were a few others that I can't remember. I haven't really updated my iPod in the last year or so. I've got the major country hits that have come out, but other than that, I've been loathe to spend that dollar. I supposed I should, since sooner or later the price of an iTune is going to go up!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

For the record I knew ants marching was one of the two exceptions, and would have gotten to satellite with a little bit of thought...