Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Before I get into the post, those of you who pray, please keep the current Young Ladies of the Academy in your prayers. Another student has died in a car crash - NDA is cursed, I'm pretty sure of it. Anyway, those girls are going through hell right now and could probably use any help they can get.

Seasonal Affective Disorder exists. I believe it hits people differently, but it hits all of us in the Northern US hard. I will say some years it knocks me on my ass, some years it just makes me have a countdown until daylight savings comes back. I always say that March is the worst month of the year for me - I'm my palest (which is saying something for me) and usually at my most depressed. There is no reason for the depression, it just stems from it being too dark for too long. The sun is now out when I get home from work - which is a good sign. And daylight savings is early this year. So there's hope - there is literally light at the end of the tunnel. I just need to get there.

I think I want to rollerblade more this spring. I miss it - I couldn't rollerblade while they were digging up Quincy Shore Drive, but I think they are done with that now. Whatever I do, I need to Get. Out. Of. The. House. And in to the freaking sunlight!


Bree said...

I hear Southern California has pretty nice weather. Like right now when it's sunny and 70 on the coast and sunny and 80 inland. I'm just sayin' is all.

Unknown said...

yeah, um, no one was talking to you, missy