Thursday, February 28, 2008

I can't deal with stupid people

I hate my bank - as is well documented. But it's such a pain in the ass to transfer banks, expecially when your direct deposit is finally straightened out, your bills are debited automatically, you've memorized your account numbers.... so out of sheer laziness and unwillingness to do all that again, I stick with Stupid Bank.

To make a long story short, I don't have a debit card to the account where 95% of our money is. I know, I know, I should, but that would require calling Stupid Bank. I can get around this problem with relative ease, so I really have no incentive to get myself another debit card. But, that means I take Andrew's debit card when I will need it - for instance when I am going food shopping by myself. Which I did on Sunday - and when I went to pay, I accidently took out my own debit card, but thought I had Andrew's so I was using his PIN. Well, that froze my debit card, but I didn't realize it until yesterday when I tried to fill up at a gas station and my own debit card kept getting rejected. So I called Stupid Bank to explain that my card was probably froen or something and I realized it when I was at the gas station. The following conversation happened, with a very Dumb Woman at Stupid Bank.

Dumb Woman: "how much did you want to charge when you last used your card?".
Meghan: "well, I was at a gas station, swiping it to pump gas"
DW: " But how much did you want to charge?
Meghan: "I was at a gas station. At a gas station, first you swipe the card, and then you pump, so you really don't know how much the end amount wil be"
DW: "Well how much did you want to charge?"
Meghan: "You see the thing is, I was at a gas station. You know when you use a debit card or credit card at a gas station to pump gas, and you swipe the card first, and then you pump the amount of gas you want, and then at the end you know how much you have spent? It was that situation"
DW: "But how much did you want to charge?"
Meghan: "Ten Dollars"


Unknown said...

Yeah, there's no good ending from that conversation. Best just to give a random number and let her resume her routine. Though ten dollars would get you, like, half a gallon I think.

Anonymous said...

Actually, that's about the going rate for a gallon of gas here in Cali. We might have the weather, but none of our kids are going to college.