Sunday, February 24, 2008

everybody's working for the weekend!

We actually had a weekend that we didn't have to travel anywhere for any reason. It was really great - but as all weekends are, it was way too fast. My boss let my office go home at 2:30 on Friday to make up for the fact that the last time it snowed during the day it took the majority of the office over 5 hours to get home. That was really nice of him and I went home early and played another hour of Mario 3. I'm just getting through the levels, I know I'm missing hidden stuff, but hey it's been well over 10 years since I have played this game!

Then at 5, I met Michelle at Blue Hills and Andrew joined us when he got out of work and the 3 of us skiied for a few hours. It was actually really fun. I mean it was Blue Hills so it wasn't very big and it takes about 50 seconds to ski down Big Blue, but it was still really fun. I hadn't gone night skiing in years and it was snowing, and just really pretty.

Saturday was just errands and cleaning and relaxing and doing nothing. Then at night I met up with Val and we met up with a bunch of people to hang out at Hennesy's. There was a cool band and I was a dancing fool all night! It had been awhile since I had a night like that and it was very long overdue and really fun :)

Today is homework, laundry, dinner at my parents, and I believe we'll be seeing Miss Molly later. We better, as my mother made me put a seat together for her and it was hard! Those directions don't always make sense. But I am the world's best handyman and I got it done.

So yeah... really fun weekend :)

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