I have a modest shoe collection. My husband might disagree with that statement, but I really do. I do have significantly more summer shoes than I do winter shoes, I'll admit that. But as a whole I'm no Imelda Marcos.
I can't really say when my love of shoes started. It was definitely after college, as soon as I had the funds to truly appreciate footwear. In college if I wasn't wearing gym sneakers then I was wearing my one pair of brown shoes or my one pair of black shoes. And I don't feel great about admitting this, but they probably came from Payless. *sigh* Well, my distinct lack of shoe fashion sense in college cannot be helped. I suppose college was phenomenal enough without having super cute shoes to go along with the memories.
Don't get me wrong, I still don't buy my shoes at expensive places. In fact, most of my shoes came from DSW or Off Broadway or Marshalls (omg, I so scored a child's size 5 baby blue gazelles there for like $20) or The Maxx (before it went out of business) or if I'm super lucky, Macy's shoe department. But if I ever get fired it will be because I spent way too long on zappos.com dreaming about all those shoes.
In fact, I have shopping bags full of outfits at every major retailer designed around an incredible shoe I found. I don't buy anything - hey I might have shoegasms, but I know that the mortgage comes first. Right now my fantasy shoe is a nice yellow flat - I don't know if I want patent leather or plain leather... but I want it YELLOW. Like buttercup yellow. And then I want khaki pants (petite of course, if I am going to wear them with flats) with yellow cotton twinset from JCrew (I did mention this outfit was for work, right?). Yellow isn't really my color, I don't think it's any Irish girl's color. But that's what my current mission is. I like to think about work clothes because I get to wear them more often than non work clothes. So that's where my shoe fantasies tend to wander. I can't tell you how much I want those yellow shoes. I just can't find what I want - I've looked everywhere.
So yeah.... I love shoes. I can't afford Manolo Blahnik, but I still love them
In fact, I have shopping bags full of outfits at every major retailer designed around an incredible shoe I found. I don't buy anything - hey I might have shoegasms, but I know that the mortgage comes first. Right now my fantasy shoe is a nice yellow flat - I don't know if I want patent leather or plain leather... but I want it YELLOW. Like buttercup yellow. And then I want khaki pants (petite of course, if I am going to wear them with flats) with yellow cotton twinset from JCrew (I did mention this outfit was for work, right?). Yellow isn't really my color, I don't think it's any Irish girl's color. But that's what my current mission is. I like to think about work clothes because I get to wear them more often than non work clothes. So that's where my shoe fantasies tend to wander. I can't tell you how much I want those yellow shoes. I just can't find what I want - I've looked everywhere.
So yeah.... I love shoes. I can't afford Manolo Blahnik, but I still love them
Don't get her wrong people. Its a MAJOR shoe problem. They're hanging on the back of the spare bedroom door, and I'm pretty sure the door would collapse under the weight of them were it to come unhinged.
Before you know it she'll be taking up a collection to buy a pair of those Barry Manalos, or whatever they are.
at the copa, copa cabana, the hottest spot north of havana..... dammit, andrew!!
there's only a lot of shoes on the door because my summer AND winter shoes are there!!! People in New England need different shoes for different seasons!!
We do?
Hello!! open toed strappy sandals aren't worn in winter!
I guess you've never seen Laney in flipflops in a blizzard.
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