Sunday, December 30, 2007

what a night

Pats went 16-0. They broke all sorts of records and Brady and Moss need to go into the Hall of Fame together - it's official. It was quite a game - I'm so happy this is how the regular season ended.

We also got to talk to Ian, which was cool, since we haven't talked to him since October. He's halfway across the world protecting all of us from everything that is wrong with that side of the world. It was fantastic to hear from him, even if I did cut my conversation extremely short so Andrew could talk to him. (I know when I'm second place, I've accepted that)

Earlier today we went to Aaron's 1st birthday party, and of course I forgot my camera. But take my word for it, the kid is freaking adorable. I'm so glad we got to go, since we don't get to see nearly enough of him.

SAC03... er... and 05 :) Clearly we were playing Guitar Hero III right before this picture was taken. Sadly Bree has left us again, to return to SoCal in a few short days. :-( I know the world is shrinking, but those 6 hour flights are killer. Hopefulle we can get out to her turf again soon. I'd pretty much pay any amount of money to not have to be in a small cylendar hurtling through the air to get there, but I think I was born about 500 years too soon for that kind of technology. As soon as I can get more than week off from schoo though, I'm there. Those beaches are too fabulous to pass up!

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