Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Mountains of fun, minutes away!

I'm skiing tomorrow! Michelle and I are going to try to brave the bitter cold and head over to Wachusett. It does seem kind of silly to skip NH since all the mountains there just keep getting pounded by snow, but it's just too cold to drive 2 hours north. The windchill up there is supposed to be negative 15. I love to ski, but I can't handle that kind of cold. So over to Princeton, MA we go. I'm ridiculously excited. As Andrew says, I start thinking about skiing in August and I mourn the ending from April to July. I can't wait to get back on the slopes! (ha, please don't make the mistake of thinking that my love for the mountain and skiing means I'm a good skiier. Oh no. I'm mediocre at best)

Did you know that Wachusett Mountain is a monadnock mountain? Did you know that monadnock is an "Indian" name for 'mountain that stands alone"? Would I make that up? I like how they say it's an "Indian" name. First of all, who says "Indian" anymore? Well, I do, but who says it that needs to be wary of offending all the PC people in the world? And could "Indian" be more vague? There are over 554 American Indian tribes recognized by the government. Most of them had their own language or dialect. So, pray tell, which tribe called mountains that stand alone "monadnocks?" Hmmm??

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