Thursday, December 27, 2007

That's all folks!

Hopefully everyone had a Merry Christmas! Andrew and I did, we got some nice things but our actual Christmas Day was kind of rushed. Andrew bought me ski racks for my car (though he can use them too... this is more of a "we need this so merry Christmas" kind of present) so we should be all set to hit the slopes in a few week! We got gift certificates to Gunstock, so we'll be heading up there the 1st weekend of January if things work out.

We went to my parents for dinner and then we headed up to Keene (where we got more presents including guitar hero III!) and spend the 26th up in NH. Today we were both back to work. I wish we could get more time off around Christmas, but what are you going to do.

My parents bought us a new camera, so I can finally post pictures again. I didn't take very good pictures, we were more messing around with the camera, but here you go!

I call this one "Michael handing out Christmas presents and being grumpy about it"

Kevin being extremely fond of his Bud Light...

I'm trying to read a book up in Keene and Andrew wants to play with the new camera --> hence this picture. Those are pajamas, by the way. I don't dress like that during daylight hours. Most of the time.

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