Tuesday, July 30, 2013



As you can see, I'm taking a mini hiatus from regular posting until summer ends.  I'm solo parenting during the week and more often than not I don't have access to a computer and there is just no good opportunity to update.  But I'm planning on a major redesign of A Day In The Life come September.  My thoughts and posts will be more organized and if you just don't care how many miles I've run that week, or what parenting dilemma I've encountered, or what my current TV obsession is, you'll be able to easily weed out/ find them.

I am going to still be on Blogger, mainly because Andrew still can't get all my old stuff to transfer to Word Press. 

I'm also going to be introducing Phone Free Fridays.  Wish me luck. 

I'm still going to be updating here and there through August so don't give up on me completely!!

Bonus picture of the day:  Baby girl riding her bike and the Little Guy enjoying his buggy!

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