Monday, July 16, 2012

Why do the back to school ads have to start in early July?   In New England summer doesn't really even start till the beginning of July,  can we all get through at least one day at the beach before we have to start thinking about colder weather?  And who is that is doing back to school shopping in July?  Because I would like to sit them down and explain a few things to them. Although my Baby Girl is starting preschool (well, not really starting as she's been in pr-school since this past March,  but she will be attending a non daycare preschool in the fall) and she needs a new backpack and a new lunch box.  The lunchbox she's been using every day since she moved up to the toddler room in September of 2011 has seen better days.

Maybe I should start paying attention to these back to school ads!

Of the 35 pounds I gained in pregnancy,  I have now lost 21.   Of course, that was the easy 21, the remaining 14 will prove to be kind of difficult.   So I'm back to using the My Fitness Pal app to track my calories,  the Map My Walk app to track my walks,  and soon the 5K app (which is Couch to 5K, but I'm guessing they aren't legally allowed to use that title) to get back into running.    How did people ever get healthy and lose weight before smart phones? 

The Little Guy had a 4 hour stretch of sleep last night.   I felt like I had slept for a week straight!

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