Saturday, October 29, 2011

busy bee

I have been so bad with updating this blog lately.  A thousand apologies.   Two illnesses swept through our house this week.   On Thursday I was 3/4 of the way to work when I got a call from Andrew that our Baby Girl was sick.  I had to turn around,  he had a meeting that had already been rescheduled once and he had to go.   Luckily,  my schedule was relatively clear that day,  so I turned around and came home.   I spent almost two hours in a car and I didn't even get anywhere! 

Baby Girl and I spent Thursday together and she watched way more TV that she's ever watched in her life.  I don't think she knew what to do with herself.  Andrew stayed home with her yesterday and I think she may have watched more TV than she did on Thursday.   I hope she enjoyed it,  because after today the TV is going to be on lockdown.   Not just because she's watched way too much for a girl her age,  but because if I hear the "hot diggity dog" song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,  I may FREAK THE EFF OUT.

Andrew was also sick this past week,  but I think his forced sick day yesterday helped.   He's back to 80%,  Baby Girl is back to 90%, and I.... I'm ready for a nap.

It's Halloween weekend!  I had a FABULOUS costume idea for a party we are attending tonight,  but I completely ran out of time,  and even though I did manage to get to Target last night,  they didn't have what I needed.   So I think I am going to be Meghan.   I know, I know,  LAME.   But my family was sick for a week,  doesn't that make me exempt from costumes?

We're supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow tonight.   I really hope it melts before tomorrow morning because I don't have a snow suit for Baby Girl yet.   It was 80 degrees two weeks ago,  I thought I had more time!  She had two last year,  but one was an 18 month.   She wouldn't be able to walk.   I swear her other one was 24 months,  but I can't seem to find it...  that may or may not be because my house is a disaster area right now.   It's so bad,  every room needs to be picked up and scrubbed down.   But who has the time?  This is why God invented cleaning ladies.  I have GOT to find me one of those.    How much could someone possibly charge for 881 SF of hell?  Or maybe we have to pay extra because this is hell on earth?  Hmmm.... things to ponder....

One last note - as loathe as I am so see winter arrive,  I NEED daylight savings to end.   The sun doesn't come up until I am at work.   I need some sunlight to get me out of bed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm with ya on DST! Some nights, Ian technically has to work until "sundown." I'm SO ready for the sun to set at like 4:30! :)