Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I will be the first person to admit that I do not use spell check nearly enough, sometimes my typing can't keep up with my thinking which leads to scentences that make no sense, and I'm guilty of ending scentences with prepositions from time to time.

So, no, I'm not perfect.

But there are some things out there that make my skin crawl, and if we could all avoid them, I would be a much happier person.

1. The word is PSYCHED. It is not SIKED. When you spell it "siked" you are just asking for people to not take you seriously. Let's all spell it with me... P-S-Y-C-H-E-D.

2. There is no "b" in SUPPOSEDLY. Anyone who has seen Friends should know this, but in case you forgot, this is your helpful reminder. There is no 'b' in the word, so don't pronounce it "supposABly"

3. Seen. Oh, this word makes my blood boil. Yes, "seen" is a word, but you can't just use it as the past tense of "see" any old time you like. You cannot say "I seen Robert in English class". First of all, no one would believe you were in English class if you speak like that, and secondly, it's "I SAW Robert in English class". "Seen" is the perfect tense, therefore you only use SEEN when you are using HAS, HAVE, or HAD as part of the verb. For example: "I have seen Robert in English class in the past, however he was not there today". WHY IS THIS SO HARD??? Seriously people, they teach grammar in schools. Pay attention.

4. the expression is "all intents and purposes". It is NOT "all intensive purposes". It's just not, so stop saying it.

5. The word "irregardless" does not exist in the English language. It's just not a word, and if you are saying it, stop immediately. The word is "regardless". I promise. Every time you say "irregardless" you can just simply say "regardless".

Anyone have other words, spellings, phrases, or pronunciations that drive you batty?

1 comment:

Cincinnatus said...

I will immediately direct Bree to this post, as soon as the baby's done crying that is, she'll get a kick out of it.

The military has made up any number of words that don't really exist, but one that has driven me crazy is "orientate" in place of "orient". Used in a sentence: "Hey there dumbass, why don't you orientate yourself to the map and figure out where in this big forest you are." I'll admit, after eight years I've surrendered and incorporated it into my own vocabulary, but I still know it's wrong, so wrong.

PS. Kudos to you for keeping your blog fresh and up to date. According to mine, I'm still in Singapore; that was five months ago.