Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My kid is still sick. She got a bonus day with Nana and Grandpa today, but from what I understand, she slept through it. Poor kid.

Switching topics...

I really want a right hand ring.

One like this:
Or this:
(Oh wait, that's Diana's Kate's engagement ring. My bad)

I don't really have a point to any of this. It's just what I want. Alas, my husband does not read my blog, and we really need to boost up savings so we can move out of our 881 SFOH so we don't have the money to spend on this. But if I start planning now, in 20 years when we do have this kind of money, I'll know what I want.

Or I spent a lot of time at work today shopping for my fantasy jewelry. Either one.

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