When I slowly woke up this morning, I started thinking about my day. We literally had nothing to do. When we have nothing to do, we have a tendency to do... well... nothing. I did not want that. So I bounced a few ideas off my very sleepy husband. Go in town and play tourist in Faneuil Hall or wander up and down Newbury Street pretending we can even afford to be there, or drive up to Keene (love the in-laws, but this idea went in and out of my head in about 2 nanoseconds), do Sunday brunch somewhere fabulous. We ultimately decided on Sunday brunch and while we didn't do it somewhere fabulous, we did wander down to Cheesecake Factory. Normally I think CF is highly overrated, highly overpriced, and too dark. But it does do a good Sunday Brunch! I wish we could brunch somewhere fabulous, but we're unwilling suburbanites. Aujourd'hui will just have to get by without us (does Aujourd’hui even do brunch?). While in my head I live in an adorable apartment on Beacon Hill, in reality I live in Suburbia. It's okay, my 401(k) appreciates my willingness to sacrifice for its sake. Anyway, I have to give CF an unusual (for me, anyway) rave review. Brunch was really good. Yes it was overpriced, but I enjoyed it anyway. And I got a Mimosa, which is pretty much my most favorite drink ever.
In true Suburbanite fashion, we cruised the South Shore Plaza afterwards (I'm beginning to cringe just typing this out) and we were walking past Nine West when I SAW THEM! My yellow flats!!! I almost died 7 times over. But Andrew completely burst my bubble when he said they were 10 dollars MORE than my Shuffle (a subtle hint that I couldn't afford them after my latest acquisition?) and they had a really big buckle. Sigh.... I had to walk away. :(
So when we finally got home (after running a few more errands) I broke out my damn Shuffle that cost me my beloved shoes. And I have to admit... I heart it.

Isn't it just so cute? Andrew was suprised that I didn't want pink, but I just love this color. You can see that it's sparkly in this picture (
I am such a girl...)

I took it for a run when we got home (had to burn off Sunday Brunch calories). What a disaster. Of epic proportions. I can run 2 miles on a treadmill with no problem. Outside? Forget it. I barely made it 1 mile. I have a long way to go before August 10th. But my cute Shuffle kept me going! I have a terrible workout playlist though. I really need to work on it. I've got 6 more miles to run.
I've watched 2.5 hours of Sex and the City this weekend, getting ready for the movie. Who's coming with me? Girls night? Or boys, I'm not picky! I'll serve the cosmos :)
A Brief Checklist for Sunday Mornings, According to Meghan:
1) Wake up.
2) Decide that, upon being up, it is time for the world to be up. (it is not).
3) Turn, and stare, not longingly, just anticipatorily, at your loved one, until they awake.
4) Ask said loved one, who has yet to have a full conscious though, if they'd like to trek from their (warm, comfortable, sleepy) hamlet into the big city, and do so not by suggesting "lets go play tourist in Faneuil Hall", no, rather, by saying "Lets Go Into Boston", as if there, in the center of Boston, a sword lies in a bed of rock, awaiting you, to pull it free and rule the world with the power of those that enjoy being awake on Sunday mornings.
4) Disagree with your loved one's quizzical, sleepy look, by insisting that this is a good idea.
5) Shake loved one as they fall back asleep.
I'm pretty sure "anticipatorily" is not w word. My Mac agrees with me, underlining it in an angry red squiggly line. So wake up, and go to Faneuil Hall.
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