Tuesday, March 11, 2008

my thought process.

I had an entire post written out, longhand (hey, I get very bored in class). I'm not going to post it. I'm not ready to let the internet in on every detail of my life.

Here's a few things that have been on my mind
* I hate the word blogosphere. I realize that blog is a made up word, but can we not make made up words with made up words?
* I don't like daylight savings being so early in March. It's still winter and it is still cold out. I thought I would like it, but I don't.
* I have not given up Falmouth Road Race, I just can't run outside when it is this cold out. I think I need a few more weeks.
* I'm getting sick of putting unnatural crap into my body. Food wasn't meant to have that much chemical additives in it. Not only am I going back towards organic foods, but I think I'm going to try to eat a lot cleaner. There will probably be more posts about this in the future.
* Cutest baby of the year goes to this girl

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