Sunday, March 16, 2008

busy busy busy

Weekends go by too quickly. Luckily for me I took this coming Friday off so I only have a 4 day week coming up. 5 day weeks are a bitch.

My effort to eat cleaner (ie with natural ingredients) has led to an increase of cooking. I know I can't eat 100% clean - life gets in the way - but I try to do so at every opportunity. This weekend I made (okay, Andrew and I made it together) stuffed peppers. Unfortunately, our local S&S doesn't carry quinoa, so we had to substitute brown rice, but they still came out very good

I love orange peppers. Red and green peppers are cheaper so they are my default peppers, but I picked u 4 of these for the stuffed peppers. They look like little pumpkins! That is the finished product. They were so yummy. It's stuffed with the brown rice (should have been the quinoa) and a turkey sloppy joe recipe. The actual recipe can be found on this blog. It was really good, but definitely time consuming, as the sloppy joe recipe takes awhile to make and then you have to do the stuffed peppers. But if you have the time, it's well worth the effort.

We did a bunch of little projects this weekend. Andrew installed blinds in our second bedroom and we hung up his diploma. That end of the room looks much better now. We also hung pictures in the living room - but I haven't taken pictures of that.

And today was Molly's Christening! This is me doing my godmotherly duties and wiping all the water off her face. The priest used like a gallon of water per child! Ignore the dumb look on my face, I don't really know what I was thinking.

No running this weekend... but this is spring break for me, so hopefully I'll get some in this week. If the weather cooperates with me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should read Ezra Klein; it's a political blog that also offers recipes. I would do that, but calling Papa John's isn't the most innovative approach to meals.