Monday, March 17, 2008

Alan Greenspan, I am not.

I'm not even Ben Bernanke. I don't understand what is going on with the economy. I don't pretend to understand. I have no idea why A) giving subprime mortgages to subprime lenders sounded like a good idea, B) why it caused such havoc (okay so I do have somewhat of an idea why B occured - I am not a complete moron) C) what else is happening to the economy D) why the dollar is tanking, and E), F), G)....

I just don't understand.

What I do understand, is that because of the economic mess that we're going through right now prices of everything are going up. I've started to get used to this and do a little bit about it. I have a summer gas fund, because without it, I am not going to be able to afford to go to the cape when gas hits $4.00 a gallon (and not going to the cape - not an option. Unless we have an usually rainy summer). I am buying more and more store brand items over name brand items. It's the best I can do right now.

But this morning I was smacked in the face with an increase that hurts. A lot. My iced coffee went up to $2.40 from $2.19. Summer of 2006 it was $2.09. March of 2008 it's now $2.40. $.029 in two years - for a cup of coffee? If coffee gets much more expensive, I will have to cut back. I know $2.40 isn't a ton of money, but I buy a coffee every day. At some point I will have to stop buying it every day - I'm not going to pay Starbucks prices.

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