I have the Gilmore Girls soundtrack running through my head. Not because it's my ringtone either. I've popped the 5th season in so I can finish it already and move on to season 6. It's more or less playing in the background right now, because I've seen this particular episode recently. So now I'm just singing the theme song... damn it's catchy.
I heart nights that I don't have to go to school. In 16 months this will be my life every day. Day in... day out... no class. I'm pretty sure I'll just be a walking ball of euphoria.
We're going up to Loon this weekend for a nice old fashioned ski weekend. I'm pretty excited, Andrew's never skiied Loon, and I only have once so it should be fun. Not as expensive as Okemo and hopefully less crowded, though it is school vacation week, so we'll see. I hope people don't laugh at me when I display my mediocrity when it comes to skiing.
It took two weeks of Molly being alive before I had to change a poopy diaper. Lucky me. I hadn't changed a diaper in a good 6 or 7 years so at first I was all like "hey, this sounds like a good job for Nana!" but then Mr. Bill was holding Molly and although he does dote on her to the point where I'm all "hello!! I'm the daughter here!! Look at me!!!" changing smelly diapers wasn't something he was willing to do again. So it was either take Molly and change her or wait until Nana came to get her. So I took her and performed my First Diaper Change in a Long Time. Thankfully my mother, who has vastly more experience than I do with such matters, helped out to fill in where my memory lapsed. So yeah. Two weeks. I made two weeks before I had to change a diaper. I wonder if I can last longer with my own children...
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