Thursday, February 14, 2008

On my knees...

My favorite part of my wedding was the last dance. Andrew and I completely ripped off Ian and Bree and stole their song (well it was their first dance song, we didn't rip them off that badly...) and chose Nickelback's "Far Away". Also, my favorite pictures were taken during that dance. Though we weren't as far away from each other as Ian and Bree were during their engagement, it was still frustrating to not even live in the same state after we graduated college. I lived on my phone during that time.

Too long,
Too late

Who was I to make you wait?

Should I have stood up to my parents when they asked us to wait so long? We both understood their point - but it was a long time. Looking back I probably should have stood up for myself a little bit more. Though I honestly don't know what we could have done about it.

That I love you
That I have loved you all along

And I miss you
From far away for far too long

It just sucked. 3 years of it sucked. I don't we spent a birthday together until we were married. No, actually, my 25th birthday (3 weeks before the wedding) we were together.

On my knees, I'll ask Last chance for one last dance

I looked forward to that last dance for sooooo long. I don't regret for a minute not having a videographer, but I think if I had one this is the part of the wedding I would actually watch.

I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long

I'm not forgiving anyone, because it was mostly my fault we were apart for those years. Mostly :) But maybe I've been forgiven?

Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore

The wedding might be over, but our lives had finally begun!


Andrew said...

I generally try not to reply to posts that heavily involve me, mainly because, well, you know, I was there and all. But damn, i looked good in a tux. And they say you can't take the Keene out of the boy...

Unknown said...

hardy har har.