Sunday, February 10, 2008

I now pronounce you...

Andrew grabbed I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry from Red Box tonight. Freaking hysterical. Definately the best 99 cents he's ever spent. And also the best $9.99 he's ever spend on some pinot noir. Good bottle of wine :)

Anyway, getting back to the movie. Loved it. I haven't actually laughed out loud at a movie in a long time. And I haven't drank that much red wine in a longer time.

I might actually have to buy that movie to add to our collection of random movies to put on when there's nothing else on.

I suppose I should go watch the Grammy's. Andrew was intrigued by Carrie Underwood... now it's Rhianna (personally I think it's the name -- anyone with me on that one???).


Anonymous said...

ohhhh, snap!

Andrew said...

Uhm... I don't know what you're talking about. At all.