ow. Every muscle in my body aches, which should not be the case afer skiing Gunstock. But as we skied down two trails marked variable terrain (one of which we had no business being on, one of which, in the words of our chairlift partner LaToya, we "completely dominated) we used muscles that I didn't even know I had. It was quite the workout, but damn, I'm in pain.
Since we were exausted and achey, we stayed in last night when we got home from skiing and alternated between the football game and the debates. I'm not a fan of political debates. I don't like how they just sit there and argue with each other. I don't mind when they go on about their platforms, but when all hell breaks loose because they are all trying talk over each other, they start to lose me. I don't care how well you can spin someone else's words. In my opinion Mitt Romney didn't do that well. He had a hard time coming up with points on the fly and he looked kind of edgy. Obama (I promise I know the difference between the Governor from MA and the Congressman from IL) didn't look that good either, he went on the defensive too may times. Honestly, I thought Ron Paul did the best job for the Republicans and Bill Richardson for the democrats. I wonder if that is because those two know they really don't have a chance of winning so instead of trying to bicker back and forth and look better than the front runners, they actually said what they thought and got their ideas out there. Bill Richardson was the only one to basically say "yeah, we need to pull out of Iraq. But I'm not going to promise it will happen in x amount of days, because it won't. If it does, it will cause more problems. I will send the troops home, but I won't put a definate timetable on it". I'm sure that's not what people want to hear, they want to hear what Clinton was sayng (she'll start withdrawal after 60 days) or John Edwards (they'll be home in a year). Bill Richardson was just like "yeah, they'll be home in the next 4 years". His plan might not get him elected, but at least he isn't making promises that he can't even keep.
I have to admit, I was more excited to see the random shots of Saint A's. I love when my school is on national television! Seeing as we don't have a nationally recognized football program, that doesn't happen to often. At one point they showed Professor Kuehne (is he even a professor anymore?) and I was all "OMG I KNOW HIM!!!" Despite the fact I think he taught for 1 of the 4 years I was there because of sabbaticals and the New Hampshire Institute of Politics being built. There were various monks in the audience, but I don't know any of them (despite people being like 'of course you know father xxxx' and staring at me like I have two heads, I don't know who any of those monks are. I wouldn't know who Father Mathias was if he walked up to me and had a sign that said "Hi, My Name is Father Mathias". I would recognize Father Jonathon and Brother Andrew, because Brother Andrew gave the best Humanities lectures, but now I completely digress). And when ABC shows the outside of Alumni, I was all "HEY IT'S ALUMNI!!!!" like it was some strange turn of events that a debate being shown at the Dana Center would pan to Alumni. So yay for Saint A's!
At one point there you refer to 'Deval' as not doing well; is that supposed to be Obama?
hahaha. yes. Time to edit.
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