Thursday, September 28, 2006

Today was a good flex day. Slept in (till almot 8:00!!!), went to the gym, cleaned up the condo, did some homework, visited with the fam, made dinner..... the average housewife's day. I am not a housewife, but I get to hang out twith them at the gym when I go on my flex day. I never actually believed that women put on makeup and did their hair to go to the gym until I started going to the Canton Club. These women are crazy. CRAZY.

But anyway, I don't have a ton to report. My wedding album is in. We are picking it up tomorrow night. I can't wait!!! :) Someone needs to get married asap so I can go to a wedding. I love going to weddings. Someone invite me to a wedding, dammit!

Grey's is on tonight. We shall see if she picks Derek or Finn. I have a feeling that will be a season long dilemma. I enjoy Chris O'Donnell though, so I don't care if he sticks around for a bit.

Okay, time to get ready for tomorrow before Ugly Betty. Have a pleasant tomorrow.

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