Wednesday, October 31, 2012

well that didn't work so well...

I didn't finish the photo-a-day.  I had thought about just posting the rest of them in one fell swoop,  but I decided against it.  I didn't finish it,  and that's okay.   I may try another one in a few months just so I can actually get one completed.   I'd like to wait until spring though,  there will be more photo opportunities when the world is coming back to life.   I am pleased with what I was able to accomplish in this photo challenge.   I think my favorite one was Angles

I don't know what happened in the past week,  but life all of the sudden got crazy busy.    Andrew and I ran our last race of the season (ahem.... it was my first race of the year, but to be fair,  I was pregnant until June 25th and then I had a newborn!).    Andrew was able to do two 5Ks,  the Falmouth Road Race with is 7.1 miles,  and a 10K this year.   I put the bug in his ear to do a half marathon in the spring, we'll see if I can talk him into it or not!

I didn't do so well on Sunday;  I only beat 14 people.   But to be fair to myself,  I am not a fast runner and I broke my personal record for a 10K.   And I finished.  I beat everyone who didn't get up and race 6.2 miles!  Andrew of course ran annoyingly fast.

So.... Sandy.   I don't even have anything smarmy to say -  that was a nasty storm.

Tonight is Trick or Treating and I have a very excited Tigger ready to go out and get her parents more candy! 

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