Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dr. Mom

Trying to decide if Baby Girl has an ear infection is like trying to diagnose fibromyalgia: next to impossible. She doesn't grab her ears, she doesn't run a temp, she doesn't do anything that most kids do when they have ear infections. Which means by the time we bring her in to get checked out, she has a "raging" double ear infection.

We're trying to figure it out now. Last night I was convinced that she had at least one ear infection. She woke up crying at 11:30 which she never does. We asked her teacher to keep an eye on it, and apparently she did put her head on her shoulder once and said "ow". But no one has any idea what that means. I guess tonight will be the deciding factor. If she wakes up, off to the pediatrician we will go, to pay $20 copay at the visit and $10 for the amoxicillan. We are going to run out of money in our flexible spending account before May!!

I'm in a cooking rut. I need some variety - anyone have any recipes that are easy to throw together and don't have a million calories? anyone? Tonight we had turkey meatloaf - and I make a pretty good turkey meatloaf, if I do say so myself - but I somehow messed it up tonight and it was terrible. Add the fact that the greenbeans (which are one of my least favorite vegetables to begin with) were undercooked and we very rarely have a starch with dinner... and you get one lousy dinner. I need something tasty, yet not fattening!

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