My parents wanted me to be into team sports. They must have felt that me being part of team sports was really important because in my childhood I played the following sports: soccer, basketball, sailling, tennis (one summer - before I was old enough to sail), baseball, softball, and hockey for a smidge. In high school I was on Varisty swimming, track, and sailing teams. I feel like I am missing something.... so there could be one more sport in that list. But I never liked them. I did like to sail, but I was petrified of it for many years. I was afraid to tip over because I didn't want my father to yell at me. He claims now that he didn't yell at me, but he would have. It wasn't until I had a self-righting boat that I stopped being afraid. But I really wasn't into racing. I'm not competitive. And if all the teams I was on as a kid didn't bring about competivenes, I will never be competitive. And I am okay with that. I don't think it's really that important. My family thinks otherwise and I have to defend my lack of competitiveness to them - but that is just who I am.
As a kid I always wanted to ski and ride horses. My mother never let me - I really didn't have time to ski with everything else I did. While I was more than willing to quit everything else that I did.... I was never allowed to quit any team sport. I didn't understand then why I was forced to play sports that I hated, and to be honest, I still don't understand. I do believe that it is good for children to be involved with organized sports, but forcing a child to play soccer from the time she is six until she is thirteen is a bit much. Especially if she was never any good. The only sport I was ever allowed to quit was hockey, and it I didn't even quit it. My mother just didn't sign me up one year. I think it's because she never really wanted me to play hockey in the first place.
I'm digressing. My point was I always wanted to ski and ride horses. And I was never allowed to do either as I did so many other things - 99% of them I didn't like. Since, you know, I wasn't into the whole "team sports" thing.
As a grown up I drove myself to a mountain and signed myself up for skiing lessons. And now skiing is a pretty big part of my life in the winter. I love skiing. I'm not great at it, but I love to do it. And in June, I will finally be taking horseback riding lessons. Only 3 lessons total, and there will only be about 2.5 hours of riding time for 6 hours of lessons, but I guess you have to crawl before you can walk.
So as a child I begged my parents to ski and ride. I never got to. As an adult, what do I do for fun? Ski and learning to ride.
Maybe I wasn't crazy after all!
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