I babysat my niece today. When her parents left I sat down, looked her in the eye and we had a discussion. I told her in no uncertain terms, that while I had never witnessed her doing this before in her short life, I was still not going to tolerate any baby meltdowns. She looked at me, drooled a bit, and laughed hysterically. (I may or may not have been having Cookie Monster doing my talking for me. And singing C is for Cookie. She also may or may not only be 14 weeks old). We clearly understood each other and she was a perfect droolface for our visit. We played with her little lay-on-the-floor-and-bat-at-things-hanging-down-from-it-gym. Or she played and I watched, giggling at her the whole time, because, really, how is that fun? I'd be be annoyed if I had things hanging in my face. And then we played put-the-toy-on-our-head. Actually only one of us played that. Again, I am not a fan of toys covering my face. For some reason, Molly finds that to also be pretty funny. You can totally see the dialogue running through her little head when she does it.
"hmmm.... here is a pink fuzzy animal of indeterminate origin. Maybe I'll touch it. Maybe I willl...... OH MY GOD, I PUT IT ON MY HEAD!!! THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE SEEN IN MY 14 WEEKS!!!!!! Look, there's drool coming out of my mouth"
Oh, to be an infant again
I've had a blog post formulating in my head for a couple of days. I sat down tonight to write it, but I don't think I have it in me tonight. Putting coherent and grammatically correct words together in a logical sense is slightly beyond my capabilities right now. And if I make a single error, Matt will be all up in my grill piece about it (is grill piece one word or two?). So I'll leave you with Miss Droolface herself and try to get some sleep

C is for Cookie...
1 comment:
I do have high expectations for your blog posts, that is an extremely cute kid though.
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