Sunday, April 27, 2008


I'm linking 2 more blogs. The first is Bree's non LOST blog, Musings of a Military Wife. The title speaks for itself and nary a grammatical error to be found! The second is, in my opinion, a good blog on eco-friendly topics called Fig and Sage. Some of it is a little much for me, but I think they have some good ideas. I've tried to find a non-preachy eco-friendly blog that actually has feasible ideas for every-day people. You know, like ratifying Kyoto agreement.


Unknown said...

I thought I had syntax problems... "You know, like ratifying Kyoto agreement."

Unknown said...

I'm not going to fix it on principle.

And I'm mad at you

Fig+Sage said...

Hey Meghan! Thanks for the shout-out :)

Take Good Care,

Cincinnatus said...

I'm not so sure that's a subtle slight against Bush, as the reason Kyoto isn't ratified has virtually nothing to do with Bush and everything to do with the Senate, which ratifies treaties. And it was Clinton who couldn't get it ratified, not Bush. Oh, and the reason it wasn't ratified was that the Senate realized that actually enacting Kyoto would cause widespread damage to the economy, be hugely expensive, and be virtually pointless as some of the biggest carbon contributors, like China, had no intention of honoring the treaty themselves.

Unknown said...

Sure there are flaws in Kyoto, but it was a framework within which to address the problem. Bush flat-out withdrew from the treaty unilaterally with little to no prior indication given to the other countries with which we had been working. Whatever one thinks of the relative merits of global warming, diplomatically you don't just bail on your primary allies on a major treaty like that. It was, at the very least, a bad misstep and, at worst, a missed opportunity to try to address global warming in an economically rational manner. Oddly enough, this sort of half-baked approach to decision making ended up showing up in all sorts of other areas of foreign policy...

Unknown said...

I realize there are major issues with Kyoto (and China's exemptions within). It was there to humorously illustrate a point. Though grammatically incorrect.

I'm still keeping it in there though.