Monday, April 21, 2008


Dear Josh Twohig '03 (Class President)

First of all, stop addressing things to me as "Mrs. Andrew Lastname". Not only did I retain my maiden name, when I got marred, but I also did not eliminate my first name. I'm more than willing to graciously accept correspondence addressed to Mrs. Meghan Marriedname. But Mrs. Andrew? Nope. Not going to do with any sort of grace. By the way - 1945 called. They miss you want want you to come home. They have some poor unmarried women who are about to throw themselves off a bridge unless you come rescue them. Maybe one day on of them can be Mrs. Josh Twohig.

Now, on to more important matters. I consider myself lucky to have received the very special "you already give to St. A's, now give more for the reunion letter". I do give an annual gift, and I will continue to do so. But you want me to give $500. Are you kidding me? $500? I wasn't aware I had a spare $500 lying around. Did you not notice by the amount of last years annual gift that I don't have a ton of money to give out? And I have to give to my high school too. So any money I have to give to educational institutes must be split in half. Sorry - you're not getting your $500.

So in conclusion, don't try to guilt me into giving $500. If I had it, I would give it. I don't have it. And you're annoying me.


Anonymous said...

I will be calling you "Meghan Marriedname" from this point forward. But only in retaliation for that whole "combination-of-your-last-names-equals-'Clown'" thing which SOME PEOPLE still like to use.

Unknown said...

I prefer Meghan Maiden Married. Alliteration is key.