I wish I could say good bye to other people and things in my life. A few examples:
UMass. In 16 months, I will be rid of UMB for the rest of my natural life. And unlike my other alma maters, I won't be sending you a yearly check. I've paid you more than enough money already for the hassle you have put me through and I still have 3 more semesters to pay for. I've imagined walking out of UMB for the last time. I might cry from the sheer joy. I'm not sure yet.
Andrew's car. I despise that car (it's a 03 Nissan Sentra - you know, BEFORE they made them cute. And roomier). It's a low rider, it's ugly, the sap from the tree in the yard has destroyed the paint job, and you can't really fit more than 2 adults in it. I can't imagine the hell we will go through trying to get a car seat into it. I hope that car is a distant memory when we are no longer childless.
My bathroom. The proof is in the pudding.

My camera (Sony Cybershot DSC - W90). I cannot figure out how to take a picture of something that is not 2 feet away from me and have the picture not be grainy. Can anyone help me? Anyone? If there is anyone who can help, you will be rewarded! I'm about a week away from throwing the thing against the wall and letting Best Buy make me whole with another camera. Please help me save my wall if you can. Tell me what setting will not take grainy/blury photos!
1 comment:
If you squint, the bathroom doesn't look that bad.
Wait a second... I wasn't squinting at all... DAMN CAMERA!!!!
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