Thursday, January 17, 2008

winter wonderland

Our last storm was this past Monday. I'm pretty sure every school disctrict in the Commonwealth canceled school that day. The metro-west area got about a foot of snow! I'd say we got about 5 inches in our neck of the woods. Today is Thursday, so we are 4 days post snow. It doesn't look like it though. Here are some pictures I took today.

well I had a few more pictures to show you, but blogger doesn't seem to want to cooperate. Which is a shame, because these are not the best ones I have. I'll take more next time it snows. I'm hoping to take the camera to Okemo this weekend, maybe I'll have some super pictures from that!

I've done 2/3 of the first week of c25k. So far so good - I'm worried about next week, as the intervals move up to running for 90 seconds with a 2 minute rest. I still don't think I need a 2 minute rest for 90 seconds of running, but I have to go with the program. I don't want to do it my way and then not be able to do it. We'll see how next week goes.

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