Monday, January 21, 2008

my weekend: a review

Skiing at Okemo is hard work. Especially if you aren't used to bigger mountains. I was ready to curl up and take a nap in the middle of the day! Saturday was the first day we skied with our new helmets. They were pretty comfortable and just as warm on my ears as my hat was. All in all, a positive review for the helmets. Though mine is boring white and I am trying to put some stickers on it. I have a Gunstock one, because they are free. Okemo wanted to charge me $3.50. Um, no. Sorry. So I still only have the Gunstock sticker, but it's a work in progress.

I don't know what my problem was, but I kept forgetting to zip up my jacket. I was wearing way too many layers and I just couldn't deal with zipping up the last layer. Note to self - less layers = happy Meghan with a zipped up jacket.

Here are some pictures from the Summit Lodge, which oddly enough, is not at the summit. But it is pretty freaking high up the mountain.

It was a long day, but we enjoyed it. Sunday we spent a good portion of the day recovering and then, obviously, watched the pats go 18-0. Then we watched the Giants beat the Packers, which, to be honest, made me slightly nervous about the Super Bowl.
I've started week 2 of C25K. I'm still truckin' on. That's all I have to say about that.

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