Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Family Ties

My immediate family of 6 became 7 the other night with the addition of Molly. I would like to point out that my brother said he wasn't going to consider a name that anyone in my family already had. So we will deduce from that comment, that he is either A) a LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE, B) realized we have an enormous family and when added with his wife's family, most of the good names are taken, C) forgot about Aunt Molly, E) realized B, so then added in any names of no-longer-living relatives, or D) Just said that to keep people guessing.

My vote is B. Yours?

Anyway, Molly arrived the way all babies do and I have yet to see her. My husband did and sent me a text that said "Hi! My name is Molly" with her picture attached. I don't know why, but I thought that was extremely witty. Because babies that are less than one day old can't talk! So it's funny!


Bree said...

Molly O'Brien? Let me guess, it's a Greek name?

Unknown said...

Yes, my family is quite proud of our obvious Mediterranean roots. All that nice olive skin in the family :)