Sunday, January 13, 2008

do YOU recycle?

So I am a bit of a closet tree-hugger. In that I am on my own personal quest to save the earth, but as to avoid hearing people's opinion on the matter I tend to keep my quest quiet. For example, I buy my own bags at the supermarket to use less plastic bags (I highly recommend these, they fit more than plastic bags, they have bigger handle so they are easy to carry, and they are only $0.99. You can't go wrong). But I've not been doing well in the matter of recycling - sure I recycle my cans because I've already paid the deposit, I might as well get it back. But other recyclables? I've been terrible. Terrible. Yesterday, though, I made an improvement in this area. Andrew and I went up to The Container Store to buy a bin for recycling - with different containers so I can separate my recycling before bringing it down to our complex's recycing bins.
So now that bin lives outside on my porch and hopefully I can boost up my recycling efforts.

In other news, I started my Falmouth Road Race training today - it was a miserable failure. First of all, my shorts kept falling down. I actually had to run with one hand keeping them up. I need to go shopping for some new workout shorts apparently. So that didn't work well. And I got to the gym, and my c25K podcast wasn't on my iPod. God really didn't want me to start the training today, but I did anyway! Without my podcast, I had no idea what my intervals were supposed to be, so I just put the treadmill at 4.5 mph (I know, I know, I was running a 13 ish mile.... whatever, this was my first day of training) and just started jogging. I got about 1.25 miles and then I slowed down to a walk. I figure running a mile was a good thing. I really don't know, I don't know how to train without the podcast. But I've fixed my podcast issue, I'll have to fix my short issue, and tomorrow I can start my actual training. Though once I accomplish my 5K, I have no idea how to then train for a 10K, but I can't worry about that until I do the 10K. If anyone has any ideas as to how to train for a 10K, please, let me know. The clock is officially ticking on the training!

Andrew put the ski racks on my car, so we are ready for Okemo this Saturday! Who's joining us?

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